Meet Our Employees

What's important to me is to
"become proactive in handling
things I'm not good at"

  • Information Headquarters
    Deputy Manager, Information Group
  • Joined the company in 2000

Work schedule

  • Day shift(9:00~17:30)
  • Five working days and two rest days

Daily schedule


Mail check
Handling administrative paperwork
Handling administrative paperwork, meetings, conferences etc.
Leaving work

Q. About your current responsibilities

I'm responsible for coordinating the information at airport information counters, environmental and operational management of on-site staff, recruitment-related matters, and budget management, among other things.

Q. Things that you find rewarding or important

What's important to me is to "become proactive in handling things I'm not good at"

I believe that "nothing is impossible", and I tend to take a positive view of everything. Even if something seems "impossible", I believe that it is in fact "possible", and I keep trying until I somehow manage to do it. Once I've said "I'll do something" or "I can do something", I've put myself in a position where you have to find a way to actually do it. It's about backing myself into a corner, applying pressure to myself, about working hard to create a situation where I just have to grit my teeth and do it.

I believe that the sense of accomplishment that I feel when I finally manage to accomplish something is a strong motivator for me, and makes my work rewarding.

Q. Tell us about your experience when you first joined the company.

To be honest, working at the information counter was completely different to what I had imagined. I'd imagined that serving customers at the counter would be a relaxing and elegant experience, I found out that I was often required to respond rapidly and flexibly to a wide range of different inquiries. There was plenty for me to learn. I had to acquire not only knowledge about airports, but also knowledge required to respond to customers' questions. Because of this, I spent my first year in the company learning every day.

There were times when I kept making mistakes and couldn’t make good progress in my work, and there were times when I was frustrated, but looking back on it now, those were invaluable experiences for me.

Q. Tell us about a memorable episode from your work.

My superior at the time told me this: "You can speak about and act on the things you want to do and the things you're thinking about; I'll stop you if you're heading in the wrong direction." I feel that those words helped me gain the confidence to think, judge, and act on my own.


A message from the employee

I feel that it's necessary to think about what's required of you, what's asked of you, instead of what you'd like to do, when it comes to work. Any job is a team effort. I think that it's important to think not only of yourself, but also of your customers and your colleagues, when working. Even if you don't agree with something or someone, it's important to do your work while maintaining a collaborative attitude.

Because people from all sorts of industries work here at CAST (currently Hokkaido Airport), I was able to learn the importance of mutual respect here.

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