Meet Our Employees

I make sure to pay attention to
my surroundings to ensure work is
always being carried out safely.

  • Ground Handling Headquarters
    Ramp Group
    Ramp Service Section Assistant Section Manager
  • Joined the company in 2010

Work schedule

  • Shift work between 5:00 and 23:00
  • 4 days on, 2 days off (or 1 day off)

Daily schedule


Vehicle inspection before starting work/unloading from hangars
Starting work
Airline A Work leader
Airline B Aircraft pushback
Deicing work being carried out due to snowfall
Airline C Work leader
Close of business duties

Q. About your current responsibilities

I serve as the work controller responsible for directing and supervising on-site work. The airlines which CAST (currently Hokkaido Airport) works with operate many overseas flights, and their arrival times may vary due to factors such as the weather. Operators are assigned in advance to the flights they are responsible for according to their work assignments. However, when multiple flights are scheduled to arrive in a short timeframe, I make adjustments to the assignments of operators, vehicles, and equipment to compensate. I make use of the qualifications and experience that I've gained over many years of working with ramps to train my subordinates.

Q. Things that you find rewarding or important

I always pay attention to my surroundings to ensure that work is being carried out safely. With safety and speed as our motto, all of our operators work together to ensure that our flights are able to depart on time.

Q. Tell us about your experience when you first joined the company.

When I joined CAST (currently Hokkaido Airport), the Ground Handling Division had just been established. There were not as many employees back then as there are now, and I remember us working desperately to ensure that every one of the flights we were responsible for departed safely and on time. We worked hard at our jobs every day as we thought about how we could chart the future of CAST (currently Hokkaido Airport), which was just a young company then.

Q. Tell us about a memorable episode from your work.

Near the end of 2016, the area around New Chitose Airport was hit by a strong blizzard as a result of a great Christmas cold wave. We couldn't keep up with snow removal because of the heavy snowfall, and as a result the ramp area was crowded with aircraft that couldn't take off. However, we stuck gamely to our tasks, tackling them one by one with certainty, and we were able to overcome the challenge without incident. I don't remember seeing such heavy snow at New Chitose Airport in winter on any other occasion.


A message from the employee

Ground handling work requires the ability to respond to constantly evolving situations. Aircraft may be late in arriving due to factors such as bad weather. It's important for all operators to work together safely and quickly to minimize the turnaround time for these aircraft by as much as possible. Although the work can be dangerous at times, if you are interested in aircraft and would like to work with them, we are always waiting to hear from you.

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